Atelier I.S. Restaurierung, Vergoldung, Rahmungen, Galerie ...
Atelier I.S.: Inhaber Familie Gering - Sauren
Heidestraße 39 B - 4711 Walhorn
Tel.: 0032 (0) 87 631 690 mail: info [at]


Hallo ihr Künstler, Käufer, Unterstützer, Beobachter, Kunden und Sympathisanten unserer Benefits Art for Nepal vom letzten Jahr,

  Wir möchten Euch mitteilen, dass unsere sehr erfolgreiche Aktion nun zum Abschluss gekommen ist. Insgesamt konnten wir 22.824,50 € sammeln.
Abzüglich Steuern und Bankkontenspesen konnten wir in drei Stufen insgesamt 22.203,18 € nach Nepal überweisen.

  Auf unserer Website könnt ihr jetzt die wichtigsten Infos und Fotos unserer Aktion ansehen.

  Nach dem plötzlichen Tot von Raginis und Alberts Tochter Shivata am 5. Februar 2016, haben die beiden im Namen von Shivata eine eigene Stiftung gegründet. Diese arbeitet eigenständig daran, dass es den Menschen in Nepal besser geht.
Somit haben wir die Restsumme unserer Sammlung an dieses Projekt weitergegeben, um somit den Grundstein für eine neue Hoffnung zu legen. Die Beiden sind da wo die Not herrscht. Wer also weiterhin helfen will, kann dies über die Stiftung “Shivata Love Foundation”  ( tun.

    Wir hoffen, dass wir in Eurem Sinne gehandelt haben

  mit besten Grüßen

  Inge, Jean- Marc und Anna- Ganesha

    P.S.: Wer noch Fragen hat meldet sich bitte bei uns      ______________________________________________________________

On May 9, 2016, at 8:43 PM, Atelier IS wrote:

  You realy did a verry good Job.
  We all just can say THANK YOU you can take the rest from the money for the Foundation becauce it is in the same meaning . Maby it will make the world  a little bit better .
  You got ouer big respekt for all the good thinks you did and all the good thinks that you still want to do
    Whith deep love
  Anna Ganesha, Jean Marc and Inge

From: Ragini Upadhyay
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 4:30 PM
To: Belgian / Inge Sauren IS
Subject: Fwd: Earthquake victims
Dear Inge and Jean Marc,
Our team has visited to Budhanilkantha municipality, ward no 17 and 8 ,kaundal , which is near Kathmandu to see what they need at present . This is the poor condition of their houses. The team asking them What they need ? In their investigation it will be great help for them if we can give some brick and some material to rebuild their little home .
Plz. Send us your advise.
Thank you.
With love

Begin forwarded message:

From: pankaj adhikari
Date: March 15, 2016 at 12:00:48 PM GMT+5:45
To: Ragini Upadhyay
Subject: Earthquake victims

Budhanilkantha Municipality, ward No. 17 and 8, Kaundal. victim households 100.
thank you.

From: Ragini Upadhyay
Date: March 30, 2016 at 10:34:07 PM GMT+5:45
To: Belgian / Inge Sauren IS

Subject: Distribution of rice, bricks and roof sheet forEarthquake victims

Today we distributed bricks cost about three Lakhs , 100 bags of rice and salt and Roof sheet of costing 3.5 Lakhs for Kaudel village , Buddhanilkantha, ward no. 17 .
Funding of this program has been came from I S Gallery , Eupen , Belgium by selling Art works of 69 International artists include Artist Ragini Upadhayay for earth quack victims on Nepal .

Today we help this village with brick , food and some roof sheet , the village is close to Kathmandu . People are poor and lose their house in earth quick :

From: Ragini Upadhyay
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2016 2:35 PM
To: Belgian / Inge Sauren IS
Subject: Life with out future .

Dear Inge and Jean Marc ,
Today visited this family who have nothing future.... I gave little food today . This family we are going to help with wheel chair for this old man and some basic help for this family Artist Earth Quick Relief fund by Inge Sauren Gallery Art work sales.
In the same time we are going to take 65 house in village near Kathmandu . Giving them again roof sheet to rebuild their little home and some basic food,and house hold thinks....
With Regards

This girl is just 20 year old Mother of two children husband has left her for another women. No education , no is so painful.
A young girl with small child with out
Any future .
Helping them with some food
The husband and wife has handicap .

From: Ragini Upadhyay
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 4:30 PM
To: Belgian / Inge Sauren IS
Subject: Fwd: Earthquake victims

Dear Inge and Jean Marc,

Our team has visited to Budhanilkantha municipality, ward no 17 and 8 ,kaundal , which is near Kathmandu to see what they need at present . This is the poor condition of their houses. The team asking them What they need ? In their investigation it will be great help for them if we can give some brick and some material to rebuild their little home . Plz. Send us your advise.
Thank you.
With love

Aufruf . Die Künstler . Ergebnisse . Ergebnisse 2 Ergebnisse 3